Conditions We Help in Livonia

Conditions we help
Naturally, chiropractic helps common complaints, neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced wonderful results with a variety of other health problems, such as headaches, sciatica, and asthma.
Our Healthline Chiropractic Clinic in Livonia office uses techniques that help our patients enjoy the fastest results in the shortest amount of time. There are certain health conditions we especially enjoy treating. For us, our most rewarding cases involve…
The reason I enjoy working with people with headaches is because my first visit to a chiropractor was because of my own daily headaches following a car accident. At the age of 16 and after 4 years of daily headaches, I found chiropractic and experienced immediate results. I know firsthand how miraculous the results can be when a person suffering with headaches, sometimes for many years, finally gets the relief they’ve been searching for.
Another reason I enjoy helping people with headaches is because headaches are most certainly considered to be resolved by chiropractic care. People tend to associate chiropractors with back and neck pain, and of course chiropractic is very effective at helping both; however headaches are more of a neurological problem stemming from a misaligned or subluxated vertebra in the neck and chiropractic is nearly 100% effective on those “cervicogenic” type headaches!
The reason I love getting patients with asthma at Healthline is because chiropractic care almost always gets these people well! I can honestly say that in my 26+ years of practice, I have never had a child with asthma not get completely well. And again, asthma is not typically considered a condition which improves with chiropractic treatment, then in fact it is another symptom of a neurological problem as are most headaches. Are you seeing a trend here? I am most thrilled about cases that seem miraculous to patients when corrected and healed following chiropractic care.
Sciatica (shooting leg pain)
Sciatica is clearly a nerve problem- something that chiropractors excel at helping. Sciatica absolutely confounds the medical profession because they don’t have effective conservative treatments for it. At our office we know chiropractic care is absolutely the best thing you can do when suffering from sciatica.
Back and neck pain
While it’s true that chiropractic is most well-known for helping people with back and neck pain, what most people don’t know is that the same nerve interference that causes back and neck pain can also cause a variety of other conditions not seemingly related to the back or neck. These include, but are not limited to:
- Vertigo
- Headaches
- Sinuous problems
- Shoulder pain
- Arm pain
- Hand pain
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Stomach aches
- Other digestive problems
- Kidney and bladder problems
- Erectile dysfunction
- Menstrual problems
- Certain types of infertility
- Sciatica
- Ear infections
- Colic
- And many, many other conditions
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Call for an appointment during our business hours
Healthline Chiropractic Clinic
11837 Merriman Road
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 421-0101